Monday, November 10, 2008

The Church Halloween Party

Our ward had a great Halloween party. Jaxon picked what we would all be for Halloween this year. Can you tell the boys are into batman. The way I look at it is Chad and I won't be cool in Jaxon's eyes for to much longer so we a fully enjoying it now!

Here is Jaxon with one of his many girl friends, Chasey.

This is me and my little buddy Jake. I love this kid a ton. He reminds me alot of Jax at his age.

Both the boys looked so cute. It was hard to keep track of Noah. We had sprayed his hair black and slicked it over. I am so used to looking for my blonde haired little boy. Even my own sister came and asked my where Noah was and he was standing right in front of herand she did'nt recongnize him.

I love this picture of Noah. When you blow it up big it looks like me his off to fight crime!
We had such a blast at the ward party.


Andria said...

What a cute super hero family!!

Stacey said...

Hey I love your new layout. Your family looks so cute all batmanie!

Kelly Tillotson said...

the dark hair really threw me off! sooo cute! we're glad you all had a fun and safe halloween!