Noah's Boutique was AMAZING!

This is my dear sweet friend Kelly who had the boutique in Noah's honor.
Noah absolutely adores her!

For those of you who know Kelly, you know that just being around her is uplifting.
I am so blessed to have such an amazing friend who is willing to serve.
The boutique was so awesome and we had the best turn out. Our dear friends came from all over to support our little family, as well as a lot of Kellys friends who I have never met but were so supportive. Tears were shed, hugs were given, and tons of support was given to our little family to help pay off all Noah's medical debt.

Kelly made these cute aprons to sell and they went flying! I was able to fill a lot of Kelly's home with "Twigs and Twine" decor. I was worried I would not have enough stuff made to fill her beautiful large home. But it all worked out great.

I overwhelmed with the kindness of friends and strangers. We had so many wonderful things donated. Brooke J. made homemade quilts, all our gourmet candies, and tons of cake plates that went flying too. She was amazing. Thank you Brooke. One of Kelly's friend who I had never met surprised us with the coolest decorated witches she had made. They sold in seconds. Thanks you all for being so kind.

I love doing boutiques. I love to here everyones reactions to things. It was fun to see everyone's faces when they would show up and realize this wasn't your normal homemade stuff. I like being able to provide people with unique decor at affordable prices. I know that my talent comes from my Heavenly Father and I am so glad that he knows me well enough to know that I would feel the need to help us get out of this debt. I am grateful for a talent that I could use to help our family.

A good friend of Kellys asked if she could hold a boutique in Noah's honor at her house in November! I am still amazed at the kindness of strangers. So I am off to make more creations.
I will post all the details for that boutique later.
For those of you who have been asking, live far away or could not make it, I have posted some of my Halloween things on my Etsy store. There is a link on the left side of this blog.
Please check it out.